Photos by Ruth SOWBY
The YMCA of the Foothills held a prayer breakfast on Saturday that was attended by close to 200 guests. The event was held on the YMCA’s upper parking lot and was a time for those gathered to pray together under the shade of a big top.
According to Joanne Pingry, director of Mission Advancement at the Y, the purpose of the breakfast was to “raise awareness of and raise funds to support [the Y’s] Chaplains Services program.”

Staffers (from left) are Ashley Fernandez, Healthy Life Styles lead, Adam Franko, V.P. of Operations and Annie Azizian, branch director.
Numerous faith organizations were represented and the feel of a campout lent a casual air to the proceedings. But many of the prayers were somber that were offered for each other, the Crescenta-Cañada community and the world.
Master of ceremonies was Dave Roberts, lead pastor of Montrose Church of the Nazarene. Roberts has served there since 1988. He is the author of “Healing Conversations,” which explores the seven elements vital to healthy communication. He also hosts a weekly radio segment on KABC 790 AM in Los Angeles. Roberts used his radio skills with gusto and sincerity to host the morning’s festivities.
At the top of the program, Roberts welcomed his well-fed audience before introducing Pastor Harlan Redmond of Interwoven Church who offered the opening prayer. The pledge of allegiance was then led by Captain Robert Hahnlein of the CV Sheriff’s Station followed by the singing of “The Star Spangled Banner” by the Crescenta Valley High School’s Charismatics.
More community faith leaders spoke and led the gathering in several prayers.
According to Pingry, seven faith leaders spoke at the breakfast.

Kara Powell, Ph.D., executive director of the Fuller Youth Institute, was the keynote speaker and presented the talk “Our Youth: Seeking Identity, Belonging and Purpose.” Powell speaks regularly at national parenting and leadership conferences.
The program ended with a closing prayer by Senior Pastor Ross Purdy of first Presbyterian Church of Burbank then a rousing version of “Praise” by the Media City Church Band.
Proceeds from the $100 a plate prayer breakfast “will help support the YMCA’s Chaplain Services, Outreach and Initiatives,” according to YMCA chaplain Cameron Rose. Rose earned a Master of Divinity degree from Fuller Seminary.
An example of the Y’s outreach is Caregivers’ Night Out held on the first Thursday of every month. The next Caregivers’ Night Out is on Nov. 7. The free event includes a dinner for caregivers and the people they care for who have varying degrees of dementia.

The Y also holds community blood drives. The next is on Nov. 20 at the Y Crescenta-Cañada multi-purpose room (1930 Foothill Blvd.) from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Registration is available at https://www.ymcafoothills.org/community.
Robin Goldsworthy contributed to this story.