Bear Takes Advantage of ‘Grab and Go’ Dining

Residents on Olive Avenue in La Crescenta are having their trashcans rummaged through on a regular basis by a couple of bears that have discovered fine dining in the neighborhood.

Olive Avenue residents John and Susan Pearson distributed a flyer to their neighbors of the hungry night prowlers sharing their belief that it is the lack of food in the hills and an abundance of tasty nuggets on trash pickup day that has attracted the bruins. The bear pictured typically doesn’t eat at the bins but, perhaps keeping with al fresco dining, goes through a trashcan until it finds a bag inside that smells particularly yummy. It will then grab and go, heading to an area near the nearby canyon where it can make a quick getaway if discovered. For those residents who have locking bins for their trashcans, the bear will usually leave a mess of leftover trash – and many times bear-sized poop perhaps in distain of those who have the arrogance of keeping their trash unattainable.