Insurance Commissioner Orders Additional Premium Savings

With record numbers of positive COVID-19 cases, and some counties pausing opening local economies, Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara issued a bulletin directing insurance companies to provide premium relief to drivers and businesses for the month of June and beyond. This new bulletin recognizes that California consumers and businesses continue to be impacted by COVID-19 and requires that insurance carriers continue to evaluate changes in risk to their policyholders and apply additional savings as warranted through the remainder of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Over the last few days Governor Gavin Newsom has taken further actions to slow the spread of COVID-19, including ordering seven counties to close bars, and increasing monitoring to now 19 counties who have seen an increase in positive cases. With many counties hitting the dimmer switchand local economies and consumers still being hit hard by this health emergency, Commissioner Lara is taking action to provide additional financial relief for consumers and businesses.

In response to Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara ordering premium  relief to policyholders for the months of March, April and May, California automobile insurance companies have provided $1.21 billion in savings to drivers. That figure includes $1.03 billion in premium relief for more than 18 million policyholders while Californians struggled during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and an additional $180 million in future rate increases that insurance companies reduced in response to the Commissioners orders.

More than $1.2 billion in premium relief and reduced future premiums represents actual savings for California policyholders, many of whom have been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis,said Commissioner Lara. We are still seeing fewer accidents and insurance claims during the pandemic, and I expect the savings to keep growing.The Department of Insurance will continue our review to ensure that premium relief is adequate and fair.

The premium relief per policy for the months of March through May as reported by the 25 largest insurance companies ranges from $19 to $155, depending on the cost of the policy and the company’s formula for providing relief. The overall average reliefper policy for the top 25 carriers is $57 or 3.63 percent of a policyholder’s annual premium.

Approximately half the companies returned premium to drivers in the form of a refund or dividend, while the rest offered a credit against future premiums.

Commissioner Lara also urged insurance companies to review their recently submitted rate filings in light of the COVID-19 emergencys effect on policyholdersrisk. As a result, dozens of auto insurance rate filings pending review by the Department of Insurance were withdrawn or significantly reduced representing $180 million in further savings for drivers compared to what insurers initially sought to charge consumers in the coming months.

The Dept. of Insurance is still analyzing reports submitted by insurance companies for the automobile market and also for commercial lines included in the Commissioners Bulletins and will have further data available in the future. The Department of Insurance will continue its review of all premium adjustments to ensure they are fair and adequate and reflect policyholdersreduced risk. All insurance company submissions will be posted online. The public may view any of the submitted reports on the Dept. of Insurances website at where new reports for the month of June and beyond will subsequently be added.

Commissioner Laras actions mean that California has taken some of the strongest steps to protect consumers from excessive rates. On March 18, as stay at homeorders were beginning in California, the Consumer Federation of America sent a letter to all state insurance commissioners urging them to provide relief for excessive automobile insurance rates caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the Consumer Federation of America, only California and New Jersey have directed companies to return premiums due to reduced risk through May.