Povilaitis Appointed to Police Chief

On Tuesday, the Glendale City Council confirmed the appointment of Carl Povilaitis to police chief. Chief Povilaitis has been serving the Glendale community for the past 27 years. He began his career in law enforcement with the Glendale Police Dept. in 1990 after graduating from the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Academy class 267 in February 1991.

After graduating from the academy, Carl was assigned to the Field Services Division where he worked in patrol. He eventually transferred to the Investigative Services Division and completed a tour in the COPPS Unit focusing on community policing and problem solving. He was promoted to sergeant in 2001. In 2002, he transferred to the Support Services Division where he supervised the Glendale Police Dept.’s Air Support Unit until he promoted to lieutenant. He served as the Traffic Bureau commander where he was responsible for traffic enforcement, parking enforcement and major/special event planning for the City.

In 2009, he assumed the duties as the Special Operations Division commander to begin the process of developing the DNA lab and the Information Lead Enforcement and Accountability Data Project. Chief Povilaitis was promoted to captain in 2010 and has overseen all major divisions of the police department. In 2013, Povilaitis was promoted to the rank of deputy chief of police.

“I have known Carl for his entire career,” said City Manager Yasmin Beers. “He has consistently served in various capacities in an efficient and consistent manner, while demonstrating the highest standards of responsible, moral, and ethical conduct.”

Povilaitis obtained an associate’s degree in administration of justice from Monterey Peninsula College, a Bachelor’s of Science in criminology with an emphasis in law enforcement from Fresno State, and a master’s degree in public administration from the University of Southern California. He is also a graduate of the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training Command College Class 45. In addition, Povilaitis participates and volunteers for a number of clubs and non-profit organization boards within the community.

“I am grateful for the opportunity to serve the men and women of this department as the chief of police and to serve the community that I call home. I look forward to working in partnership with our residents, businesses, and visitors to keep Glendale safe and maintain the quality of life that we have all come to enjoy,” stated Povilaitis.