Distracted Driving Still a Concern

Drivers are using their cellphones less often while driving, 10 years after “hands-free” became the law, but distracted driving remains a serious safety challenge in California. Observing April as Distracted Driving Awareness Month and the first week in April as California Teen Safe Driving Week, safety advocates will focus on education and enforcement efforts statewide.

Glendale Police Dept. will join law enforcement throughout the state to step up enforcement along with awareness efforts by the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) to discourage distracted driving. Officers will have a special emphasis this month on enforcing all cellphone and distracted driving laws. The goal is to increase voluntary compliance by drivers, but sometimes citations are necessary for motorists to better understand the importance of driving distraction.

April 5 and April 13 have been designated as the two statewide enforcement dates when law enforcement agencies will step up distracted driving enforcement activities. The California Dept. of Transportation will put distracted driving messages on the changeable message signs on freeways during April.

Traffic officers have issued hundreds of thousands of citations over the past three years to those texting or calling on a hand-held cellphone. Recent legislation now makes it illegal to use a smartphone’s apps will driving. Still, drivers are commonly seen on a device driving in a dangerous manner.

Since 2011, OTS has conducted an observational study of handheld cellphone use every year.

“This year’s study on the use of handheld cellphones and texting shows a decrease over past years; however, more work needs to be done to target those who were observed to still be breaking the law,” said OTS director Rhonda Craft. “The best way to put an end to distracted driving is to educate all Californians about the danger it poses. We will do this through enforcement and education efforts like our new advertising campaign Just Drive, reminding drivers to put down their phones and focus on the road.”