Finding Those Reasons to Laugh
I’ve just about decided to stop listening to talk radio. Since Mark & Brian of KLOS’ morning show went off the air, it’s been my habit to listen to talk radio when I got up in the morning while putting on my make-up and getting dressed for the day. But of late the news has been pretty much all bad, putting me in a sour mood if not downright scaring the bejeepers out of me. I mean, how many different ways and how often can you hear that we’re going off a fiscal cliff, that mega-disaster awaits us, that (insert name here) is going to drive the country into a recession if not a depression? As a small business owner, it makes me want to crawl back into bed and pull the covers over my head.
So I’m always looking for a reason to laugh and when I’m able to do that with friends, so much the better. And I found that reason on Tuesday night at the Alex Theatre.
The occasion was the performance of “Menopause, the Musical” which had a two-night engagement this week. My friend Holly put the call out, asking friends if they were interested in attending. We ended up with 16 ladies on board for an evening that started with dinner first at Damon’s Steakhouse.
Apparently we weren’t the only ones with the idea because I saw a lot of foothills gals at both the restaurant and the theatre including Nancy Leum, Danette Erickson and Alidia McVicker, who won tickets to the show.
And if we were looking for a laugh, we found it at the Alex. The show was laugh out loud funny with the audience (the majority of which were women) sympathizing with the cast as they sang of hot flashes, memory losses and excess poundage. As a bonus, we had a chance to meet the cast afterward. The picture above shows all of us on stage at the Alex, though we didn’t quite outshine the stage lights.
Thank you, Menopause cast, for giving us reasons to laugh.
Another reason to smile, at least for me, is today’s (Thursday’s) event at the Oakmont Country Club for the Glendale Latino Assn. installation luncheon and awards presentation. I’ve been named the organization’s woman of the year and I am so honored to not only be singled out for this recognition but to share the stage with man of the year, Glendale Police Chief Ron de Pompa and the business of the year Glendale Memorial Hospital.
An added bonus was learning that my name was in lights – the marquee of Glendale college was lit up with congratulations to the awardees.
Could it be that a star is born?!

Valley Weekly. She can be
reached at
or (818) 248-2740.