Tentative Agreement Reached Between Nurses and USC-VHH

The nurses and USC-VHH have reached a tentative agreement. Contract ratification voting will be on noon, Wednesday, March 2 through noon, Thursday, March 3.

Highlights include:

No Takeaways!
✓ Term: 3-year agreement
✓ Improved Wages:
▪ Year 1 (December 5, 2021): All RNs received an average of 8.6% ATB Increase and a minimum of 3%
▪ Year 2 (January 1, 2023): ALL RNs will receive a minimum increase of 6% ATB for an average of 8.9%
▪ Year 3(January 1, 2024): All RNs will receive a minimum increase of 4% ATB and for an average of 5.8%
▪ An average of 22.3% over the 3 years.
✓ Increase to the Extra Shift Bonus (Doubled)
✓ Increase to the Shift Differentials
✓ Increase to the Standby-By/On Call Pay
✓ Improved Nondiscrimination and Harassment Language
✓ Improved Health and Safety Language
✓ Safer Floating Practices
✓ Improved Grievance Procedure

The CNA bargaining team unanimously recommends a yes vote.