HUD Announces Funding for Glendale Continuum of Care

The U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development has awarded nearly $2,378,978 million for 2018 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for FY 2019-2020 renewal projects to the Glendale Continuum of Care (CoC). These funds continue the support for ongoing permanent supportive housing, rental assistance, rapid re-housing program, and coordinated entry program (CES) and HMIS programs. These funds support over 2,500 unduplicated homeless persons who are served through all of the city’s programs, housing substance for over 150 units of housing and case management system, mental health, substance abuse and veterans’ services. According to Ivet Samvelyan, Community Services manager, City of Glendale, at any point in time, Glendale has over 260 homeless persons in the community based on the 2018 homeless count.

HUD announces a competitive Notice of Funding Availability for the CoC program nationally. Because the City of Glendale is the collaborative applicant, Glendale prepares and submits the funding application on behalf of the non–profit partners including Ascencia, Family Promise, YWCA of Glendale, Door of Hope, Salvation Army, Catholic Charities, GUSD, Verdugo Hills Hospital, Glendale Adventist Hospital, Library, Verdugo Jobs Center, Library, adult recreation center, Didi Hirsch and the Glendale Housing Authority. 

In addition to the renewal project funding, the Glendale CoC applied for $450,000 for new projects and $75,000 for the CoC planning project. HUD will soon announce results for the new project applications, which include bonus, domestic violence, and planning projects.