Second grader Tate Harper dressed in “Minecraft” outfit.
The Valley View PTA again transformed the school into an interactive arena for moms and their sons during its annual mother/son event.
Mothers and their sons donned Creepers and Villagers shirts and outfits from the popular video/computer game “Minecraft.” This was the first year that moms and their sons had the chance to participate in a costume contest. Adding to the theme of the evening, the duos had their photo professionally snapped with a life size 3D model of one of the popular “Minecraft” characters.
For the “Minecraft” Olympics event, mothers and sons had the chance to battle each other on an obstacle course, sword fight with pool noodles and toss bean bags to test their throwing abilities.
Dozens of boxes were set up as building blocks. The boys assembled and then knocked down the towers as they might do in the “Minecraft” game.
Then it was time to sit with friends to enjoy the Yaki’s catered dinner and feast on the sweet treats that were provided by many of the school’s families.
At the end of the night, moms were given a keepsake bejeweled purse and the boys walked away with a toy to remind them of the evening’s fun.
“The turnout was strong. We had 140 moms and sons join us that night, so that was really nice,” said Valley View PTA President Myra Goethals.