The Crescenta Valley Town Council (CVTC) Annual Pancake Breakfast was hosted at St. Luke’s of the Mountains Episcopal Church on Saturday. There was a non-stop line of people enjoying their pancake and sausage breakfast.

Veterans of American Legion Post 288 were busy in the kitchen flipping pancakes. CVTC members sold breakfast tickets.
Emergency responders were offered a free breakfast. Los Angeles County and Glendale fire department members stopped by as did LA Sheriff’s Dept. personnel. Supervisor for the Fifth District Kathryn Barger was at the breakfast showing her support for the community event as was State Senator Anthony Portantino, who enjoyed breakfast and conversations with local community members. Glendale Unified School District’s Superintendent Dr. Darneika Watson also stopped by.

The pancake breakfast has been held for over 10 years and raises funds for the CVTC including for its scholarship program.

CVTC is the liaison between local residents and the office of the fifth district supervisor, currently Kathryn Barger. The members of the CVTC are elected by registered voters within the local unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County. The Council has upcoming elections in November and is still looking for candidates. The election will be held on Nov. 8 and Nov. 9 at St. Luke’s Sadler Hall. There are six seats open; three regular seats (each for three-year terms) and three alternate seats (each for a one-year term). Applications can be found on the CVTC website thecvcouncil.com.