»Montrose Verdugo City Chamber of Commerce


A call to action. The Montrose Chamber of Commerce is on board with the City of Glendale’s campaign of socially driven program invites. Inspired by the desire to engage and increase vitality to the merchants, businesses and organizations of the Montrose community at large, and in support of the MSPA, we look to call to action.

With that said, some of the Montrose Village Square merchants pulled together to host our first Business Showcase Open House. Held Saturday, Feb. 17 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., five of the businesses opened their doors to those who attended. JK Steam Spa, The Stone Femme, Uptown Face & Body Care-Montrose, Anew Luke Salon and Thee Elbow Room provided a lovely courtyard gathering. As the merchants, and their customers, gathered so did some of the passersby who joined to walk-in to the businesses, meet the owners and to see for themselves the offerings. Owners answered questions, booked appointments and sold merchandise. It truly was a #meetmeinmontrose evening.

The idea to pull together, increase the exposure and participation, and support one another as a collaborative effort is an increase for all. This year is a renewed dedication to elevate the way we do business and how we offer it to the community. We know that together we thrive. When we thrive in our business, we thrive in our community. It is a dedication to one another in the highest form.

The raffle prize participation came not only from the participating five businesses, but additional chamber business members. The raffle items were exceptional in their quality and their value. As each business contributing was able to share a little about their business and the raffle item, we also included all attendees who wanted to share a bit about themselves and their business. Everyone gladly participated in the share, and everyone gladly took in the information to utilize for future purposes.

We look forward to the continued call to action to #meetmeinmontrose.

Victoria Marie Malone
Montrose/Verdugo City Chamber of Commerce
2424 Honolulu Avenue, suite B, Montrose, CA 91020
Office: 818-249-7171
FAX: 818-249-8919