The Assistance League of Glendale recognized three of its members with the prestigious Ada Edwards Laughlin Award.
Those awarded were Ann Wilson, who works with ALG’s Tierra del Sol learners, Sylvia Kowal, who runs the group’s Christmas Sale and Thrift Alley, the organization’s thrift store, and Pearl Wells, a longtime dedicated member who is always ready to lend a hand.
Ada Edwards, with Anne Banning, organized the Assistance League in 1935 to promote the growth of effective volunteerism through leadership training and education. It was the first nonprofit, nonpolitical, nonsectarian organization founded in the west to help those less fortunate. Young girls supporting the thrift store in 1959 were called the “Beverly Thrifties” and one of its members was Shirley Temple. In 1961 they became the Assisteens of
Glendale, which proudly boasts a membership of about 40 girls.
The names of the three awardees will be engraved on a plaque that will hang in the ALG clubhouse at 314 E. Harvard where the clubhouse and thrift store are located.
Submitted by Danette ERICKSON