Ask Phyllis!
Keeping An Open House Secure
Dear Phyllis,
In several months I am going to sell my home. The Realtor® I hired wants to have an open house. I know this is common but I am concerned about security. What kind of people should I expect to come during an open house? Concerned or contact her directly at
(818) 790-7325. Phyllis Harb is a Realtor® with Dilbeck Real Estate.
Dear Concerned,
You are correct to be concerned. The concept of letting anyone off the street into your home can be alarming. Surprisingly, there aren’t too many problems at these open houses. But there are precautions you and your Realtor can take to keep your open house secure. As most buyers search online, open houses are a very effective way to show and sell your home.
There are two types of open houses:
(1) Broker’s Caravan: (in the Foothills this is 10 AM – 2 PM on Tuesdays)
This open house is generally safer because it is primarily Realtors®. It would be difficult for someone to come in off the street and steal, while your home is filled with real estate agents.
(2) Public Open House: (typically several hours on Saturday or Sunday)
Personally, I prefer two hour open houses as they are busier. More people are coming and going during this tight time frame. During a busy open house it would be difficult for someone to rifle through drawers. Unless your home is small (or vacant) it’s a good idea for there to be two people during public open houses. It could be your Realtor® and a lender, or any helper. This is especially important in two story homes.
During the selling process, it can be difficult to keep your home in show condition. Open houses allow you to contain showings to specific times. This makes it much easier for you to comfortably live in your home when not showing.
Best of luck on your sale.