Tujunga Resident Receives President’s Volunteer Service Award

Tujunga resident Andromeda Edison, center, was awarded a PVSA.

The President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA), a volunteer awards program that encouraging citizens to live a life of service through presidential gratitude and national recognition, presented Tujunga resident Andromeda Edison with the prestigious award for her tireless work with Youth for Human Rights International (YHRI). YHRI is a nonprofit organization that teaches youth about human rights, specifically the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

As head of the California chapter of Youth for Human Rights International, Edison is committed to fulfilling the charter of the organization: forward the aim of the United Nations General Assembly that proposed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights “be disseminated, displayed, read and expounded principally in schools and other educational institutions with simple yet empowering, high-quality human rights education materials for youth, teachers, officials – anyone.”

Edison has spearheaded several activities that help promote human rights and inspire youth to become advocates for tolerance and peace. Among them is a series of events in which four to six religions are given an opportunity to explain their core beliefs and answer questions — including Islam, Falon Gong, Unification and Native American Shaman

“We’ve gotten city recognition for our religious tolerance events, something we are very proud of,” Edison said.

In addition, she organizes regular events on various human rights issues. On Dec. 10, 2017, Edison and her team of volunteers held a children’s march for human rights with several dozen little “munchkins” parading through a craft market. That day also saw the premier of the Youth for Human Rights radio show, a monthly show on the Ayenyh Foundation channel, with a distribution network throughout the U.S. and Europe.

To learn more information about Youth for Human Rights International, visit youthforhumanrights.org or email events@yhrsocal.org.