The Glendale Police faced off against Glendale Fire department at the 3rd annual Hoop Heroes basketball game.
The 3rd Annual Hoop Heroes basketball game took place on April 7 at Glendale High School’s auditorium. The competition between Glendale’s fire and police departments ended with the fire department beat the police 58-33.
In the pre-game, the Glendale Noon Kiwanis defeated the Glendale Sunrise Rotary Club 96-79. The two service clubs not only competed on the court, they also earned additional points by selling specially marked tickets and then having those tickets turned in at that game.
After the Rotarians soundly defeated the Kiwanians last year, the Kiwanians not only returned with a vengeance – they returned with the power of youth. Their leading scorer on April 7 was a brand new Kiwanian, 21-year old Vince Espinosa Jr. Other members of the team included City Manager Scott Ochoa, Glendale fireman Greg Fish and Capt. Rio Ray of the Salvation Army who led the team in rebounding.
“Even though my Rotarians were not victorious, the real winners were the Zone Kids and the hungry in our community,” said organizer and Rotary member Rick Dinger. Proceeds from the event benefited the Salvation Army’s Zone Afterschool Program and attendees were encouraged to bring in cans of food to supplement the Salvation Army food pantry.
Hayden Dinger started a food drive to help bring in more food for the Hoop Heroes event. He called his drive “Love and Fishes,” and his goal was to collect 1,000 cans of tuna.
Though Hayden fell short of his goal in 2012, this year he surpassed his goal with the help of the local Trusted Choice Insurance Agents, the Glendale Police Officers Assn., St. Bede School and a lemonade stand run by Emily, Joy, Evan and Ian Dankowski.
Submitted by Rick DINGER