Clothing Drive Held By Dilbeck

From left, Union Station Homeless Services Representative David Sensente with Dilbeck representatives Operations Manager/Marketing Director Julie Jaross, President Mark Dilbeck, and Public Relations Brenda Bowles.
From left, Union Station Homeless Services Representative David Sensente with Dilbeck representatives Operations Manager/Marketing Director Julie Jaross, President Mark Dilbeck, and Public Relations Brenda Bowles.

Dilbeck Real Estate Real Living held its annual Winter Charity Warm Clothing Drive from Nov. 16 through Dec. 14. Dilbeck Sales donated warm clothing and blankets to Union Station Homeless Services, an organization that supports and helps the homeless in Pasadena.

Sales partners from Dilbeck’s 14 offices throughout the San Gabriel and San Fernando valleys provided more than 27 oversized gift bags filled to the brim with warm clothing, blankets, socks and shoes.

Union Station representative David Sensente said, “This is the biggest donation of clothing that I have seen this season.”

Mark Dilbeck, president of Dilbeck Real Estate, holds the annual drive because of stories his father told of being cold as a child.

Mark said, “We continue this tradition of helping others in need that was started by my dad.” Ray Dilbeck was the founder of Dilbeck Realtors. “I’m proud of everyone on our team who continues to find ways to assist those in need,” Mark added.