Weather in the Foothills

“I am a stranger. I come in peace. Take me to your leader and there will be a massive reward for you in eternity.”

~ John Glenn’s “Secret Note”

After last weekend’s rains came the cold temperatures. The Crescenta Valley shivered as thermometers dropped to 37 degrees. Winter has officially arrived spreading its seasonal touch over the holidays.

Occasionally Hanukkah and Christmas fall on the same day; 2016 is one of those years. Both celebrate a miracle. In the 2nd century the Jewish people were victorious over the Greek army that occupied the Holy Land, but the oil used to fuel the temple’s menorah was left depleted. With only enough remaining to burn for one more day a miracle occurred and the candles burned brightly for eight days.

Two hundred years prior to this event, another came to pass. A star shined over Bethlehem, beckoning the wise men to the stable where a baby – Jesus Christ, the Messiah – was born.

It may seem an odd connection: Christmas, John Glenn and the weather. With the passing of John Glenn – a famous astronaut, U.S. senator and war hero – so close to Christmas it just seemed fitting. In addition, his words above, although intended for a very different reason, seemed to reflect his well-documented Christian faith. As for the weather … well, it blends into almost every aspect of our lives.

In 1962 John Glenn was the first American to orbit the earth. High above the planet, it seemed he saw the face of God and said, “To look out at this kind of creation and not believe in God is to me impossible.”

Many astronauts share his sentiments. As for his “Secret Note,” it was written in several languages as if in the case of an uncharted landing he could still communicate. His words “peace,” “reward” and “eternity” added a meaningful, if not religious, touch to the message.

Another miracle; more rain? A storm system out of the NW brings a good chance on Friday into Saturday. For Christmas night, rain is also predicted. With highs around 50 and lows dropping to freezing, “Baby, it’s cold outside!”

“Chag Urim  Sameach”


“Merry Christmas”

Sue Kilpatrick is a

Crescenta Valley resident and

Official Skywarn Spotter for the

National Weather Service. Reach her at`