City Receives Nearly $2.37 Million in HUD Funds

The U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded the City of Glendale Continuum of Care (CoC), nearly $2.37 million in renewed and new grants to prevent and end homelessness. The grants are a part of a record $1.95 billion in funding that the Obama Administration awarded to 7,600 homeless assistance programs around the nation.

New funding in the amount of $100,000 has been awarded to the Family Promise of the Verdugos for direct services. Additionally, the remainder of the grant will be used to fund the current list of projects that will be operated by Ascencia, the City’s lead homeless services agency and Coordinated Entry System to homeless programming, the Salvation Army of Glendale, Door of Hope, Catholic Charities of Los Angeles and the Glendale Housing Authority. These programs will continue to fund 130 units of permanent supportive housing and ongoing intensive case management, outreach, mental health care, substance abuse support and veterans programming. The announcement also included one new award to the Continuum of Care, expanding local capacity to combat homelessness. The City of Glendale has been granted $69,000 to support CoC planning efforts and $88,000 to enhance the local homeless management information system.

“This year’s award demonstrates that HUD supports our work to house and serve our most vulnerable neighbors,” said Ivet Samvelyan, Community Services manager.

To view the complete list of projects, new and renewed, visit

The City of Glendale has is its own Continuum of Care, created in 1993, to address problems of homelessness in the City of Glendale. The Glendale Housing Authority is the lead agency and coordinates and manages $3 million annually in federal, state, and city funds for programs providing shelter, housing and services to homeless persons. For more information about homeless services, contact Ivet Samvelyan at (818) 548-3720.