What does a Superhero Chicken, Ice Monster, Whales, crabs and clown fish have in common? Why, they all come from the imagination of a bunch of 5 year olds! And somehow they manage to put all these characters into a play in honor of their first 100 days of school. Last week these children, along with teacher and aide Kim Fill and Joannie Pollard, taught lessons in helping others, playing nice and being fair with their very creative play, “Ninja The Super Chicken,” based on a real live chicken hatched and raised in kindergarten.
The play was an effort under the direction of Fill who developed a writing lab where the children use computers for phonics, have reading time, writing and more. It was in this lab where they begin to formulate storyboards and spend collaborative time building the story. They chose main characters, learned
about and wrote the entire
story then all practiced every part. Costumes designed and sewn, lines memorized, story narrated and the play takes place in front of parents, grandparents, other classes, teachers and staff.
In addition to the play the kids sang their 100 Days of School Song, counted to 100 by ones, fives and tens and created their 100 Days of School Museum with displays all about 100 that featured Cherrios, stickers, toothpicks – everything built with 100 items.
Contributed by Sonya MARQUEZ