Happy 2016, CV!
Heartfelt thanks and deep appreciation to our allies from CV Alliance for making 2015 memorable! To the expert who spoke to parents at our weekly parent sessions; parents and teens at monthly teen trials and tribulations; parents at our Walk & Talks; and/or our partners at our quarterly strategic partners meetings.
To the generous person who donated: space for our gatherings; breakfast for our partners; space for this column; a fun activity at Orange Fest; equipment & resources for our events; prizes; and/or money.
To the volunteer who: staffed a table at Rx drug take backs; staffed a table at the Orange Fest Expo; joined our CV Youth Alliance; served on our Finance Committee; and/or served on our board of directors.
You are the backbone of this nonprofit.
Now to everyone who reads this column, opens our Mail Chimp blasts, visits our website, and/or follows us on social media, I hope that you find the information we share relevant, useful, entertaining, and informative. As a former teacher, it is very important to me that we reach you because we need your help and support.
You may wonder why I post some of the things I do, like articles about anxiety, stress, mindfulness, the legalization of marijuana and the burgeoning business bolstering this industry. I do so because behavioral health, mental health and addiction are concerns. For you to have a greater understanding of the challenges facing our parents, youth, and community I share the world as it is to underscore the importance of prevention. An ounce of prevention really is worth more than the cure. Join our 2016 prevention efforts.
Two final shout-outs in 2015.
Melinda Clarke created our new name, identity, look, website, video and slogan, “When we all come together, you’re never alone.” She’s genius!
Julia Rabago is a partner at CV Alliance. Julia tethers me to the ground when my ideas and expectations exceed reality. Because she greatly cares about kids, she’s willing to help me work out ideas. She’s level headed, detail-oriented, and diplomatic. As such, I’m #blessed.

CV Alliance
3516 N. Verdugo Road
Glendale, CA 91208 (818) 646-7867