Reflection, resolution

It’s no surprise that when Jan. 1 rings in a new year it generally also ushers in a host of  promises. Hopefully, though, some reflection is given on what did and didn’t work in the last 365 days. The desire, too, is to discover what things are truly important and to embrace those while discarding things that either don’t bear fruit or are downright bad for us.

In the last few days I’ve taken some time to reflect on those things in the past year that have given me the greatest joy. I’m sure it doesn’t take much imagination to realize that the arrival of my granddaughter was a highlight of 2010 for me.

Let’s face it: One reason that babies are so engaging is that they embody hope and promise. For new parents, it’s the chance to do everything “right” that their parents did “wrong.” I would be insulted knowing that my son and his wife are probably approaching parenthood in that way except that I approached it in the same manner more than 28 years ago … and learned along the way that there aren’t too many absolutes in parenting and sometimes you have to go with the flow and figure it out as you go along. I am grateful that I had some wonderful guiding role models in this area. Now, as a grandma, it is a blessing to be able to be involved with my son and his family not just because my husband and I want to, but because they want us to as well.

Another highlight had to be the one year anniversary of the paper. Starting a business in any economy is wrought with stress and launching the CV Weekly was no exception. Celebrating its one year anniversary on the historic grounds of the St. Luke’s of the Mountains property will be something that I will treasure for the rest of my life.

One thing that hasn’t worked so well this past year is quite evident, at least to me. Basically, where the heck did this poundage come from? No, I haven’t ballooned up into the stratosphere but I’m certainly not going to be mistaken for a super model any time soon. And trying to get the weight off is a struggle that I don’t know if I have the strength to endure.

I may have to sit down with a piece of cake and figure this out.


While we as individuals have the opportunity to reflect on this past year, our community has also endured and celebrated events of great magnitude. The floods in February, the large number of teachers and administrators that left our schools and the battle of the Moreton Bay Fig tree are just some that pop into mind.

We at the Crescenta Valley Weekly have taken advantage of this perfect time to reflect on events of 2010. We combed issues from the past year looking for those stories that give an overview of the moments that help define us as a community.

And please understand that I realize that not every significant story is reflected in the next few pages – I just hope they jog your memory of what it meant to work and live in the Crescenta Valley in 2010.

Happy New Year!