Some Dates To Remember
If you are reading this today, Thursday, Oct. 9 before 11:59 p.m. then you still have time. Time for what you may ask? Time to submit your application to run for CV Town Council. All of the requirements and details can be found on our website under the election tab. So as soon as you are done reading about all the great news and events in the Crescenta Valley, go see if you qualify and send us your candidate application.
News on Crescenta Commons. We are running about two weeks behind on completing the Commons; however, if you have not been by the site at Orange and Rosemont avenues lately take a drive by. I surely hope you will be pleased with the progress. Before I go on and on about the Commons, please mark this date in your calendar: Saturday, Nov. 8 at 9 a.m. This will be the official dedication ceremony for the Commons. Supervisor Antonovich will be our guest of honor for the dedication.
In the meantime, back at the site we almost finished planting with mulching set for the weekend of Oct. 18 and the installation of the decomposed granite pathways scheduled for Oct. 25. We certainly could use volunteers on Oct. 25; keep an eye on our website for the start time.
The encouragement from the community has been incredibly positive and we thank you for this. I personally would like to thank a few people: Tom and Ines Chessum for all of their tireless work at the site and the amazing job of getting the rings for our donor tiles ready. In addition, thank you to a group of parents from Monte Vista and Rosemont schools for pooling their funds and donating them toward a picnic table for the site. We hope to have this installed sometime before Oct. 25. Lastly, if you have not placed your order for a donor tile, please do so. The donor tiles can have a personal note from you or your organization. These will then be placed in the two rings around the monument. You can email for more information.
There are a few more important dates from Council. On Oct. 16 at 7 p.m. we will be holding our CVTC candidates forum. Councilmember Claessens will be our moderator this year. This is the community’s chance to come and meet the candidates as well as ask them questions in a public setting.
The 7th Annual CV High & CV Town Council pancake breakfast is set for Nov. 1 starting at 7 a.m. in the quad at CV High, 2900 Community Ave. in La Crescenta. As always, community and youth groups are welcome and encouraged to sell tickets. Every group selling tickets will keep 50% of their gross ticket sales for their organization. In addition, the community gets to come and enjoy a wonderful and fun-filled morning at the breakfast. This year’s opportunity drawing for the winning ticket will be a $250 gift card to Best Buy. Tickets can be purchased from councilmembers and most clubs at CV High School. Contact if you are interested in selling tickets.
That’s all for now. Please stay up-to-date with us by checking out our website or stopping by the Council meetings the third Thursday of every month.
Have a good week everyone!
Robbyn Battles
Crescenta Valley Town Council