Hi, CV!
I read that 90% of employers report looking at candidates’ LinkedIn profiles, which makes sense to me. But prospective employers also check blogs, Facebook and social media sites, in addition to asking potential employees for passwords to things thought to be private; they are, in fact, fair game. Unless you’re never going to need another person to hire you, be very careful about what you post. Same thing can be said for students looking to go to college. Admissions officers check social media, too. Let’s face it – it’s a two-way street. You check them out, they check you out.
We’ve come a long way since looking under a child’s mattress to find out what they’re up to. With online dangers, “monitoring has become associated with good parenting,” according to a study in “Columbia Human Rights Law Review.” We know that geo-listening is a system GUSD uses to track students’ posts while on campus. It is not the only district to do so. The courts are mixed in deciding whether or not school districts can monitor students’ social media.
So it comes down to intent. What do they do with the information they find? Do you care?
Tonight, Thursday, Oct. 9, Dan Evans will talk about these issues from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at CVHS Library, 2900 Community Ave. in La Crescenta. Students and parents are encouraged to attend this free event.
Since we’re thinking about technology, are you addicted to your phone, laptop, Facebook or online game? I am more than I care to admit, arguing that by checking in and writing one quick email, I’m free to spend quality time with the family. Our kids emulate what they see; are you practicing what you preach? On Oct. 14 from 7:15 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Paul Royer leads a parent discussion about teens and their screens and the use of technology in our lives at our next Parent Session. Join him at the Crescenta Cañada YMCA, 1930 Foothill Blvd. in LCF for this free, informal and interactive talk.
Childcare available through the Y.
Suzy Jacobs
is the executive director of
CV Alliance located at
3131 Foothill Blvd. Suite D
La Crescenta, CA 91214
(818) 646-7867 http://cv-alliance.org/