Prefers the Mainstream and Science-Backed

Mr. Kretz castigates Representative Adam Schiff’s defense of vaccines [Letters to the Editor, March 28]. Kretz’s extensive quoting of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons sounds mainstream and science-backed. But, if you do a little research, you find that AAPS is an ultra-conservative group that holds unorthodox scientifically discredited views such as a “supposed” causal relationship between vaccines and autism.

Let’s stick with the mainstream American Medical Association, which adopted policy in 2017 recognizing “the substantial body of scientific evidence that has disproven the link between vaccines and autism.”

Judith Trumbo

La Cañada Flintridge



California Government Only Takes Care Of Its Own 

Poor decisions in the past regarding pensions have handcuffed the ability of the California government to run effectively to support the needs of its people. These decisions have cost the people financially in the form of the highest state sales tax (10.25%) in the country; the highest tax on gasoline in the country at 20% of the selling price; a7% utility tax; etc. In fact, the cost of living in Los Angeles is higher than the national average.

According to the Reason Foundation, “Pension debt has resulted in tens of millions of dollars being diverted away from public services each year.” Pension percentages [range] from 65% to 90% for life with early retirement ages plus medical coverage that can’t be funded by bleeding the people. Extending the retirement age has only had a band-aid effect.

With all this unfunded debt we are still approving wage increases of questionable amounts such as for our City of Glendale manager at close to $400,000 (salary and benefits). As a point of comparison Governor Brown’s salary last year was $201,680. 

As a concerned citizen I am not questioning the value of our city manager but the whole management of the people’s money.

The California Supreme Court will shortly be dealing with three cases involving “The California Rule.” Let’s hope that they do away with the Rule that allows abuses with how pension amounts are figured. This is vital to future adjustments to cost of pensions.

Ken Grayson, owner

Grayson’s Tune Town
