This Week at LCIF
All are invited to Lutheran Church in the Foothills for the third Sunday of Advent on Dec. 15. The church’s Anthem Chorale will lead worship with their annual Carols and Anthems service. Their famous desserts will be available in the Fellowship Hall following the event. It’s a fun and tasty way to get ready for Christmas!
The annual candlelight service will be at 7 p.m. on Christmas Eve – it’s a good way to get ready for Christmas Day and all are welcome.
Lutheran Church in the Foothills, the “touchdown” church, is located at 1700 Foothill Blvd. For more information, call (818) 790-1951 or visit
Christmas Concert, Worship
The community is invited to a free Christmas concert in Sun Valley at 7 p.m. on Dec. 21 at Bethel Church. The evening will include music, gifts and refreshments.
Bethel Church is planning a special Christmas Eve worship service at 7 p.m. on Dec. 24. The 5 p.m. candlelight service will include special music, a drama, a Christmas meditation and caroling. Gifts will be offered to each child and family attending. Refreshments served after the service. Free.
All are welcome!
Bethel Church, 10725 Penrose St., Sun Valley
Two Nights of Christmas Celebration
The community is invited to enjoy the live menagerie of lambs, goats, rabbits, a donkey and other furry creatures this Christmas Eve at La Crescenta Presbyterian Church. Recall the rustic surroundings of Jesus’ birth before and after a 5 p.m. service of celebration on Tuesday, Dec. 24.
The family-friendly service will feature music from the church’s Praise Band as well as prayers, readings and a brief message enhanced by candlelight and Christmas images.
There will also be a Christmas free concert and reception on Monday, Dec. 23 at 7 p.m. During the concert, La Crescenta Presbyterian’s Cathedral Choir will be joined by members of the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra, Los Angeles Opera Orchestra and other professional musicians.
La Crescenta Presbyterian’s Children’s Chorus will make a special appearance at the concert, which will be followed by a dessert reception. There is no charge for the concert or reception, and all are welcome. A free-will offering will be taken.
La Crescenta Presbyterian Church is located at 2902 Montrose Avenue in La Crescenta. For more information about the Christmas service and concert, visit or call the church office at (818) 249-6137.
Walk and Word
Spend time Sunday mornings discovering Scripture while hiking Deukmejian Park. Participants meet at 8 a.m. at the parking lot (3429 Markridge Road, La Crescenta) on all but the first Sunday of each month.
Hike for an hour, then journal and share for an hour about a selection of Scripture. All are invited who feel drawn to this alternative spiritual activity under the guidance of CV United Methodist Church lay minister Jeanne Lavieri.
For those interested but unable to hike, several picnic tables with wheelchair access are available.
For more information, contact Lavieri at (818) 383-3137 or email
Drive-thru Nativity
Community Christian Church of the Foothills will offer the opportunity to step back in time and experience the first Christmas via its drive-thru nativity. Guests will drive past various scenes of the nativity story with actors portraying Mary and Joseph, the shepherds, the angel and the wise men. At the end of the drive, free coffee, hot chocolate and cookies are available to those who wish to stop by the church’s Coffee House.
This is the 19th year of Community Christian Church offering this free “gift to the community.”
The drive-thru nativity will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday nights, Dec. 13 and Dec. 14 at Community Christian Church of the Foothills, 10193 Tujunga Canyon Blvd, Tujunga, just north of Foothill Boulevard and next to the post office.
To learn more visit or phone (818) 353-8080.