From left are Kiwanis Club Spiritual and Human Aims chairman and program chairman Al Restivo, Marie Wong, St. Bede Deacon Augie Wong, Rev. Clifford “Skip” Lindeman of La Cañada Congregational Church, Father Tony, Associate Pastor at St. Bede Father Gregory Dongkore, Rev. Gary Dennis of La Cañada Presbyterian Church, Father Scannell, Father de la Riva of St. Francis and Thomas A. Passanisi, president of the Kiwanis Club of La Cañada.
Once per year, the Kiwanis Club of La Cañada sets aside a day to honor the clergy of the city and the surrounding La Cañada Flintridge community. This year the club took time to honor Father Tony Marti, OFM, Cap., the president of St. Francis High School.
Speaking after receiving special recognition, Father Tony talked about his history of escaping the Castro government in Cuba at age 18, entering the U.S. Army, attending college, and then marrying and having a daughter. His young wife died of brain cancer and, several years later, he chose to leave his comfortable position as an international banker as senior vice president of First Interstate Bank to become a Franciscan priest.
Now in his sixth year as president of the all boys high school, Father Tony is responsible for the administration of one of the top college preparatory schools in the Los Angeles area. Father Tony is an unusual priest with a grandson and a granddaughter who live in the San Francisco area.