A Bipartisan Agreement on the Budget – Maybe


Word of a bipartisan budget deal was released yesterday by Congressional leaders which, if passed, would avert another government shutdown.

In an unusual show of solidarity, Rep. Paul Ryan, (R-Wisc.) and Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) faced news cameras to tout a new budget proposal and assured the country that Democrats and Republicans would be able to work together to get it passed.

Both parties are taking a hard look at this proposal and some members have yet to decide if they can support it.

“I appreciate the work that the budget negotiators have done to replace the sequester with a more rational budget process, and I will be evaluating the specifics to determine whether it is something I can support. The deal may help Congress return to a regular appropriations process and stop the economically destructive practice of going from crisis to crisis. It would also restore some of the funding cut by the indiscriminate sequester,” said Rep. Adam Schiff. “However, I’m deeply disturbed that this deal does not include an extension of unemployment insurance for 1.3 million Americans who are actively seeking employment. A recent CBO study showed that failure to extend unemployment insurance will not only hurt struggling families, but also will cost our economy another 200,000 lost jobs that we just can’t afford to lose during this tepid recovery. Congress should not leave town for the holidays until we have extended these vital benefits.”

Schiff is concerned that some Americans who are still struggling out of the recent economy are being overlooked by this new proposal.

“I hope that we will be able to reach an agreement on unemployment insurance and avoid putting a lump of coal into families’ stockings during this holiday season,” he added.

There are some conservative Republicans who are not willing to support the proposal and are expected to share their opinions as the budget faces a House vote that is expected one day before they are to adjourn for the year.