Burglary Suspect Arrested Near Hansen Dam


After days of searching, the Los Angeles Police Dept. captured an armed suspect who was wanted for allegedly burglarizing several locations in the Sunland-Tujunga and Shadow Hills areas. The suspect is alleged to have been responsible for several burglaries in the area occurring over the last month.

On Nov. 17 the suspect, who matched the description of a male prowler in the area, was arrested in thick brush near Hansen Dam. The search for the suspect involved the LAPD K9 Unit. The suspect was injured during the arrest and was taken to the hospital to be treated for a dog bite.

The suspect, identified as Benjamin Renteria, 25, is allegedly responsible for several burglaries and appears to be the man caught on many of the security cameras at some of the locations. Images shared on social media showed the suspect carrying weapons, including what appeared to be an assault rifle and hunting rifle.

“In October and November 2021, predominantly during evening hours, the suspect [allegedly] has been committing residential and commercial burglaries in the areas of Shadow Hills and Sun Valley. The suspect has been observed on video carrying various types of firearms including handguns, bolt-action rifles and an AR-15-type rifle. All the locations have been adjacent to open areas and hillsides [where] the suspect has moved around,” according to a Nov. 17 LAPD release prior to his capture.

On Nov. 15 the suspect was seen attempting to break into a building of the LA Dept. of Water and Power in Sunland-Tujunga. LAPD arrived at the location and searched the area but did not find the suspect.

The suspect is being held on bail.