Nov. 6
3100 block of Los Olivos Lane in La Crescenta, a woman set up an account on a job search website. She uploaded her resume and was contacted by a person asking her if she still needed a job. She did and shared her phone number with the “employer” and a phone interview was conducted. She was then told she had been hired. The “employer” sent her a private link. The “employer” sent an electronic check to her bank; however, it was pending and did not go directly into her account. The bank representative told her if the transfer was from out of state it might take several days to process. The employer told her, as part of her job, she was to go buy three gift cards with the money that had been sent but was still being processed. The woman followed the instructions her “employer” had given her. She purchased the cards, took pictures of the back of the gift cards and sent those pictures to the “employer.”
She immediately became suspicious and attempted to cancel the cards; only one was canceled and the others had already had purchases made on them.
The incident was reported at noon.
Nov. 5
2300 block of Montrose Avenue in Montrose, the front passenger side window was shattered in a vehicle parked a space in the parking lot behind the car owner’s apartment building. Several items were stolen from the vehicle between 8 p.m. on Nov. 5 and 1 p.m. on Nov. 6.
Nov. 4
2900 block of Mayfield Avenue in La Crescenta, a resident returned home to find a light on in a room that she was certain was not on when she left earlier in the day. She immediately contacted the Crescenta Valley Sheriff’s Station. Deputies discovered several rooms had been ransacked. An item was reported lost as of this report.
The residential burglary occurred between 10 a.m. and 9 p.m.
2500 block of Los Amigos Street in La Crescenta, personal items were stolen from an unlocked vehicle overnight.
Nov. 3
2300 block of Mira Vista Avenue in Montrose, someone vandalized the front door of an apartment overnight.
Oct. 6
2200 block of Orange Cove Avenue in La Crescenta, a man reported he wrote a check to his attorney, placed it in an envelope and mailed it at a local U.S. Post Office. The check never arrived and he discovered the check he wrote to his attorney had been altered with another name as the payee.
The forgery and theft was reported at noon.