From the Desk of the Publisher

Things are Getting Back to Normal … or Are Things Getting Back to Normal?

Contrary to last year, this year’s Halloween celebration seemed much closer to “normal.” Though the Spooktacular event in Montrose was absent, plenty of folks took time to decorate the exterior of their houses, pleasing passersby. Keeping COVID safety in mind, 413 Whiting Woods held a completely outdoor, drive-through event ­that, like it did last year, drew screams of delight.

For the second year CV Weekly printed a list of addresses that were decorated for Halloween – over 30! – and many of our readers were happy to use them to create their own frightful tour. (I must apologize for not taking the time to put the list in an easier driving order – an oversight I promise not to repeat.) The list of houses with the best decorations will be in next week’s CV Weekly.

Smiling Jack Photo courtesy of Susan BOLAN

With Halloween behind us we can look to Thanksgiving! Unfortunately, in the Goldsworthy household there will be fewer mouths at our table than what we’re used to but (hopefully) more than last year. And though I may choose to (again) purchase a prepared meal for our table rather than cook, I don’t think I’ll have to stand in a line, masked, outside the supermarket waiting to pick up my meal. Last year it was also rainy, adding to a depressing Thanksgiving. I anticipate getting to go inside the store, albeit still masked, this year.

And regarding wearing the mask: I had the opportunity to visit San Diego two weekends ago. Not only did I enjoy the company, the food (and wine) and the weather, but rarely did I have to don a mask. Most of the signs on public businesses read that those who were unvaccinated had to wear a mask; otherwise, wearing a mask was optional. The only down side to this was when I went to my bank the following Monday. I walked right up to a teller to conduct business and he quickly asked me if I had a mask. Oops! I totally forgot to put one on before I entered the building. Thankfully I had one in my pocket, which I quickly put on.

Robin Goldsworthy is the publisher of the Crescenta
Valley Weekly. She can be reached at
or (818) 248-2740.