Some changes for Crescenta Valley High School were announced during Tuesday’s Glendale Unified School District board of education meeting.
A PowerPoint presentation was made by Felix Melendez, executive director, secondary education, on a new building for the CVHS Medical Science and Sports Medicine Project, funding for which was approved by a board vote later in the meeting. The project will be funded by the CTEI (Career Technical Education Incentive) grant. The project will provide a stand-alone classroom and lab for the medical science and sports medicine program. The classroom will be in a bungalow-type building. There will be high-end equipment installed, including a 3D table that has a touch screen and an ultrasound and ZFlo Motion Metrix, which measures a person’s walking gait. No other high school will have this equipment; however, the board talked about looking at it in the future for other schools.
There have already been walk-throughs with CVHS administrators, staff and the architect for the new building. The district will do some outreach to the community to let neighbors and stakeholders know what the project entails. It is scheduled to be completed by mid-summer next year, in time for 2019-20 school year students.
It will not encroach on the proposed construction of the CVHS track and field bleachers and lights project. The next step to that project was voted and approved on Tuesday night. The board approved tBP Architecture to create the preliminary plan for the addition of the lights and bleachers. The plans will then be sent for consideration during the CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) study, which will take several months to complete.
Also at the meeting was the introduction of student school board member Sophia James who will serve on the board for the 2018-19 school year. She will be reporting on activities and events happening at the schools in the district.