Running the Foothills coordinator Neil Ryan led the children’s one-mile Fun Run last year at Two Strike Park. The annual 5K event takes place on Saturday.
The community is encouraged to take part in an early morning run through the foothills before filling up on pancakes.
he Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce annual fundraiser for local schools, the “Running the Foothills” 5K Run, will be held on Saturday, Sep. 19.
The run will begin at 8 a.m. at Two Strike Park, 5107 Rosemont Ave. in La Crescenta. All ages are welcome to participate and medals will be awarded to the top male and female runners across seven age categories. A portion of the entry fees ($20 for pre-registration, $25 at the park) will go to the school or program of the participants’ choice.
Neil Ryan of Ryan’s Residential Repairs, a self-proclaimed “avid runner,” started the chamber’s 5K run as a charitable cause that would generate community-wide participation.
“The whole reason was to get the entire community involved,” Ryan said. “It’s a great way to contribute to schools, have a lot of fun and it’s early enough to still have the rest of the day ahead of you.”
The inaugural run brought out a modest 60 participants over a decade ago, but Ryan said around 400 runners are expected at Saturday’s event.
Despite the growing number of runners, Ryan said there was still considerable room to grow.
“What we need is more people getting behind it,” Ryan added. “I would love to see this race get huge.”
In addition to the 5K, a one-mile Kids’ Fun Run around Two Strike Park will start at 7:55 a.m. and is free to children of all ages.
T-shirts will also be available for $10 while supplies last.
Though the run is in the interest of raising money for local schools, Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Lisa Dupuy said that there will be some competition encouraged between the schools. The top participating school (by proportion of overall runners, not total amount of participating runners) will receive a trophy.
Ryan encouraged those still wondering whether there was time to register to do so, with registration available up to the morning of the run.
“It’s never too late,” said Ryan. “You’ve just got to put your left foot in front of your right.”
For entry forms, visit www.crescentavalleychamber.org/5k. Check-in begins at 7 a.m. and a workout/stretch will be hosted by Taix Workout Studio.
Those who run – and those supporting the runners – will most likely build an appetite and are encouraged to head to Crescenta Valley High School for the CV Town Council’s annual pancake fundraiser.
The pancake breakfast is a fundraiser for the council with proceeds earmarked for its many programs including annual scholarships awarded to local students.
CVTC members will be at the grill flipping pancakes and cooking sausages early Saturday morning. This is the seventh year of the event.
In addition to raising funds for the scholarship program, the CVTC reaches out to local non-profit organizations to share in the fundraising. For every ticket sold by the nonprofit organization, the council gives 50% to the organization.
Tickets are sold in advance for $5 and $6 at the door. Tickets can be purchased online at http://thecvcouncil.com. Many nonprofit organizations around Crescenta Valley are selling the tickets as well.
The CVTC Pancake Breakfast is from 7:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. CVHS is located at 2900 Community Ave. in La Crescenta. The breakfast being held in the school’s quad.
For more information, email Councilmember Kyle Studebaker at kyle@theCVcouncil.com.