Public Works Presentation Tonight at CV Town Council

By Justin HAGER

The Los Angeles County Dept. of Public Works (DWP) will make a presentation at the CV Town Council meeting tonight, Thursday, Sept. 16 regarding the proposed curb-extensions (also known as bulb-outs or neck-downs) on La Crescenta Avenue. Still in the concept phase (meaning the county is still soliciting public feedback and has not yet finalized the proposal), the bulb-outs were first discussed at a public meeting in May when DWP discussed pavement resurfacing, bikeway improvements, drywell structures and the bulb-outs, which have been proposed along La Crescenta Avenue at Mountain Pine Drive, Orange Avenue and El Caminito. While no members of the public raised concerns or questions at that meeting, growing public opposition has arisen at Crescenta Valley Town Council meetings, leading the council to request a presentation on the topic.

Bulb-outs are raised curb extensions that resemble concrete elephant ears extending into the street and narrowing the travel lane at intersections or midblock locations to reduce pedestrian crossing distance, slow traffic speeds and create protected on-street parking bays. According to the National Association of City Transportation Officials, “Curb extensions visually and physically narrow the roadway, creating safer and shorter crossings for pedestrians while increasing the available space for street furniture, benches, plantings and street trees.” The Sacramento County Dept. of Transportation Neighborhood Traffic Management Program found that bulb-outs achieve a 7% average reduction in speed while reducing pedestrian exposure to vehicles and making through and left-turn movements more easily negotiable for large vehicles such as buses.

Despite these advantages, Sacramento County also found that bulb-outs have the potential to diminish on-street parking availability, slow right-turning emergency vehicles and potentially endanger cyclists who may be required to briefly merge with forward-moving traffic.

In addition to the bulb-outs, DWP is expected to present information at tonight’s meeting on proposed pavement resurfacing on La Crescenta Avenue, Orange Avenue, Ocean View Boulevard, Montrose Avenue and Mira Vista Avenue; as well as bikeway improvements/installation on Montrose Avenue, Ocean View, Orange, and La Crescenta; and drywell stormwater capture systems on Prospect and Mira Vista avenues.

Members of the public wishing to view or participate in the meeting can join via Zoom® using the meeting ID 956 9812 8070 and password 750226 or via telephone at (877) 853-5257 using the same login-information. More information and an agenda for the CV Town Council meeting can be found at