The Band Played
On Thursday night, my son Danny and I headed to the “Fabulous Forum” in Inglewood to relieve some stress by listening to one of my all-time favorite bands, the Foo Fighters. I didn’t realize I had so much pressing on me until the opening number – “One of these Days” – started and I actually shed a tear – or two.
Steve had gotten the tickets for my birthday back in May. The concert was originally slated for July but unfortunately COVID reared its ugly head and a member of the band’s support team came down with the virus, necessitating a cancellation. Steve couldn’t make Thursday’s concert – work beckoned – and so Danny was called in as my “makeshift date.”
I have to say, though, that he was a great date. Not only did he do the driving, he bought us dinner and paid the (gulp!) $45 parking fee at the Forum. (I am truly old; when I saw how much the parking cost I almost lost my dinner. Danny barely blinked.)
No surprise that the Foo Fighters were truly magnificent. We had fantastic seats (thank you, Steve) though we stood for a good portion of the two-hour concert.
Highlights included Dave Grohl taking over the drums for Taylor Hawkins who did a rendition of Queen’s “Somebody to Love” – an ambitious undertaking when one considers the vocal range of Queen frontman Freddie Mercury. (Side note: Steve and I saw Queen perform at the Forum in 1982 when Billy Squier opened for them. Truly epic.) Another highlight for me was when the “Dee Gees” emerged, the Foo Fighters’ homage to the Bee Gees and the disco era that I so love. Dave’s take on Barry Gibbs’ “Night Fever” was a lot of fun as was the finale of the night: when the little drummer girl herself, Nandi Bushell, took the stage and belted out “Everlong,” proving she has the chops to play with the big boys.
It was a night neither Danny nor I will soon forget.
This edition marks the beginning of year 13 for CV Weekly. It was 12 years ago that the Station Fire broke out and made the cover of the inaugural issue of the Crescenta Valley Weekly. So much has happened over these past dozen years and I’m so grateful for those who have helped to make sure the stories were told week after week: designers Steve Hernandez and Matt Barger; writers Charly Shelton and Mary O’Keefe (plus so many more over the years); columnists that include Sue Kilpatrick, Mike Lawler and Susan Bolan; office manager Rachelle Miller; proofreader Anne McNeill; and the gifted sales staff of Chuck Holler, Sonya Marquez and Lisa Stanners. I’m also eternally gratefully to the readers who look to the CV Weekly every week to give them the information they need to know and especially to the subscribers who support our efforts. I appreciate each and every one of you and thank you for showing up every single week, year after year.

She can be reached at
or (818) 248-2740.