Outside the iconic Montrose Bowl and getting ready for the 3rd Annual Montrose Film Festival are (standing from left) Prom Plus Club members Brett Tyler, Ben Campos, MSPA president Ken Grayson, Prom Plus Club member Dylan Sylvester and organizer Tony Smith. Kneeling are organizer Steve Pierce and Montrose Chamber of Commerce executive director Melinda Clarke.
It’s Back…..to the movies for August two-day event.
On Friday, Aug. 24 and Saturday, Aug. 25, Steve Pierce and Tony Smith will bring nostalgia back to the Montrose Shopping Park with their third annual Montrose Film Festival.
The free events will begin at 6:30 p.m. on both nights and will take place near 2218 Honolulu Ave. in the Andersen’s Pet Shop parking area, the former site of the Montrose Theater.
The outdoor family movie nights are expected to draw crowds of all ages with this year’s retro movie picks, “Back to the Future” and “Back to the Future II.”
Just like in the old days, guests can expect to see classic cars traveling along Honolulu Avenue and watch Looney Tunes cartoons before the feature movies. “Back to the Future” screens on Friday and “Back to the Future II” on Saturday.
Pierce and Smith will spare no expense when it comes to ensuring that guests have a one-of-a-kind movie experience. Guests will enjoy live music as they walk the red carpet leading to a theater façade consisting of movie posters, custom ironwork and lights, created last year by MSPA executive director Dale Dawson and Pierce.
“Full-sized movie theater posters were obtained from Fox Studios and mounted on the panel exteriors,” said Dawson, who constructed the façade so that passersby could easily identify the faux theater.

The old Montrose Theater held raffles before movies and upon arrival on Aug. 24 and Aug. 25, each movie-goer will be handed a movie ticket that will act as a raffle ticket. Prizes will include gift certificates for local eateries and other merchants.
Guests will also have the opportunity to purchase old time candies from the Montrose Candy Co. booth and sweets from Polkatot’s Cupcake booth.
Volunteers from CVHS’s Prom Plus Club will be available to assist guests with placing food orders from restaurants on the block then delivering the fare.
Brett Tyler and Dylan Sylvester are two of the students that guests can expect to see at the event.
“We will be working the event doing whatever needs to be done. Last year Prom Plus helped clean and set up,” said Sylvester. The club will also be in charge of helping distribute free popcorn to attendees.
All are encouraged to come dressed in clothes representing the movies’ time periods, in this case, the ’50s, ’80s or something futuristic.