Aug. 2
2500 block of Foothill Boulevard in La Crescenta, Armenian National and Korean National flags were stolen from the front yard of the church. The poles holding the flags had been snapped at the bottom from their stands. Both the poles and the flags were missing.
This incident occurred between noon on Aug. 1 and 9 a.m. on Aug. 2.
July 30
5800 block of Briartree Drive in La Cañada, deputies responded to a call concerning a burglary. When they arrived they discovered person/s had entered the home through a side door that leads into the garage. There were pry marks on the door. The garage door that leads into the home also had pry marks and damage to the -door and the deadbolt lock on that door. The interior of the home did not appear to be disturbed.
The incident occurred between 12:11 p.m. and 1:30 p.m.
400 block of Foothill Boulevard in La Cañada, person/s unknown gained access to the roof of the Union Bank and stole over 100 feet of copper pipe from an air conditioner and compressor, damaging it beyond repair.
The incident occurred sometime between 10 p.m. on Tuesday, July 29, and noon on Wednesday,
July 30.
July 29
5100 Ocean View Boulevard in La Cañada, a resident reported discovering a scratch, about three feet long, on the driver’s side door of her vehicle overnight.