Public Comment Period Extended

The Angeles National Forest has extended the public comment period on the Need for Change Document for the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument Management Plan to Aug. 11.

Comments can be submitted through email at; or may be mailed to Angeles National Forest, Attn: Justin Seastrand, 701 No. Santa Anita Ave., Arcadia, CA 91006, or hand delivered at that address, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. All project documentation is available at the above website. To request paper copies, or for questions or information about the project, contact Justin Seastrand at
(626) 574-5278, or email

President Obama designated 346,177 acres of the San Gabriel Mountains as a national monument last October. Officials for the Forest Service and the monument have invited public comments as part of developing a management plan for the monument.

There will be additional opportunities for public input on the plan over the coming years. The Angeles National Forest welcomes informal comments, concerns, and ideas for managing national forests and national monuments.