Today is an exciting day in the Goldsworthy family – our youngest son is graduating from Crescenta Valley High School. After four years of playing basketball, worrying over test results and finishing homework late into the night, he is more than ready to throw his cap into the air tonight on Stengel Field signifying his completion of mandatory education.
And his dad and I, along with his brothers and sister-in-law, will be cheering him on.
But while attention is focused on him – as well it should be – I am stepping back to reflect on our career at CV. After all, we have a rich history at the school.
Like so many in our community, dad is a graduate of Crescenta Valley High School. Steve graduated in 1977 and sees many of his fellow alum around town. Our eldest son graduated in 2000, meaning that our role as Falcon parents started in 1996. Our next boy graduated in 2007, then another in 2009 and the last today. We have had children in CVHS for – gasp! – 12 years, eight of those consecutive.
What full years they were, too. Attending performances in the MacDonald Auditorium and the little drama theatre, making countless lunches, cheering hundreds of basketball games, hosting study groups and bringing pizzas to plays. We’ve seen the growth of our boys from hesitant freshman to strapping seniors.
And the campus has changed over the years. When our eldest attended CV, the new library hadn’t yet been built. Measure K funds were approved which allowed construction, but unfortunately some of the construction didn’t hold up to the rains and for too long green tarps could be seen around the campus as repairs were being done.
As parents, Steve and I sat through numerous meetings with counselors trying to figure what collegiate path – if any – our children should venture down. We’ve witnessed our children’s friendships fade and new ones ignite. We’ve held each other – tightly – as they conquered driver’s training. We were anxious when the boys grew quiet, dealing with private issues regarding friends and girls. These were the times that we were painfully aware of the differences between boys and girls – who I’ve been told share so much more than boys.
The years did fly by quickly and as the kids grew, so did I. It wasn’t until our youngest was a junior that I took the chance to start the newspaper, knowing how much time would be needed to nurture it along … time that for so many years was dedicated to “the kids.”
So though I won’t be throwing anything into the air, I will be sending up a silent cheer of thanks and gratitude that our CV years were full, rich and blessed giving each of my children – and Steve and I – memories that will carry us forward the rest of our lives.

Robin Goldsworthy
is the publisher of the Crescenta Valley Weekly. She can be reached at
or (818) 248-2740.