
Today, May 5, is GivingTuesday, established in 2012 as a day to encourage people to do good. Over the past years it has grown into a global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate and celebrate generosity, according to

The community has inspired giving not just on one day but everyday and has always led by example. Whether financial or food donations to those in need or donations of hours of volunteer time, there have been so many non-profits supported by this caring community. And now non-profit organizations that support so many are struggling due to COVID-19 “Safer-At-Home” guidelines that have cut into the heart of in-person fundraising.

Although this is the best way to flatten the curve it has been a difficult adjustment for the non-profits that depend on fundraisers, so many have had to reinvent their way of getting support.

For GivingTuesday, CVW is encouraging all who can support the non-profit of their choice, from child centric organizations like PTA, Prom Plus and school foundations, Boy and Girl Scouts and local school clubs to adult and family support like food for Bailey Center and Salvation Army.

Anything, no matter how small, is appreciated and for those who cannot financially help due to this pandemic economy, writing a note of support is always appreciated.