Council talks “Green” Amendments to State Building Codes


A $45,000 check was presented to the Glendale City Council at Tuesday’s meeting from the Glendale Rose Float Association (GRFA) for last year’s Rose Parade float. The check was for the city’s permission to enter the parade on behalf of the city. Fundraising, noted the representative from the GRFA, is already underway for next year’s float. Councilman Rafi Manoukian received the check on behalf of the city and council.
Councilmember Najarian discussed the details of the latest MTA meeting on which he serves as a board member. First he discussed a motion to study infrastructure improvements on Metrolink’s Antelope Valley Line, which runs through Glendale. The motion asked for various ways to make the track safer for pedestrians and motorists.
The other motion was regarding bike rules on MTA buses and train to accommodate bicyclists. Some of the changes bicyclists can expect to see is more room for bicycles on trains and permission to board with bicycles during peak hours. Finally, a motion was pushed by Najarian to have the MTA grant clean energy buses for Glendale’s MTA lines. The MTA will do careful study on the matter which, if approved, is valued in the millions of dollars for the city.
Director of Public Works Steve Zurn informed the council and audience to a forthcoming CalTrans meeting regarding the installation of carpool lanes along the I-5. The community meeting, which will be held at Glendale’s Municipal Building in Room 105, will be held today from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Debate among the council members was fomented through the proposal to adopt environmentally conscious or “green” amendments to the state’s building codes as they apply to the city. Patrick Masihi, Glendale resident, commended the council for reviewing the guidelines and amendments and ensuring only dwellings 5,000 square feet and above are affected. Citing the city’s amendments pertaining to the installation of solar panels on buildings, Masihi said, “To make your house solar ready and to install brackets [for solar panels] on your roof … it’s not an expense of a few hundred dollars. It’s an expense of a couple thousand dollars. I’m happy that this ordinance … will not affect 99.9% of dwellings in Glendale.”
Stuart Tom, a building official for the city of Glendale, clarified for the council that the amendments would only affect new “monster dwellings … of over 5,000 square feet.” “They would be held to the full [CalGreen] tier 1 package, which includes providing solar panels on the roof”, said Tom. Furthermore, Tom clarified by saying that the amendments would not apply to additions made on existing homes and residences, only to new buildings.
Najarian was vehement in his opposition. “We cannot pass this [ordinance],” said Najarian. “We are acting outside of our jurisdiction if we do. The CalGreen standards [are] already the highest in the nation. What we’re saying is let’s ratchet it up a little more. To make changes to the current standards … is irresponsible of us.”
Upon the recommendation of Councilman Dave Weaver, the ordinance and its resolution were delayed for another meeting. The council approved moving the measure to the meeting of May 10 once the full council is in attendance.