Aram Adjemian Appointed to Glendale City Clerk Position

On Monday, April 27, at the special meeting of the Glendale City Council, the City Council appointed Aram Adjemian, Records Administration Analyst, to the city clerk position. Adjemian will fill the vacancy in the position created on March 31. Adjemian will serve for the remainder of the unexpired term of former City Clerk Ardy Kassakhian and until his successor is elected at the general municipal election in 2022.

Adjemian has been an employee of the City of Glendale for over 19 years and has worked in the City Clerks Department for over six years. During his tenure, he has overseen the City Clerks’ office, the budget, public records and records management, council meetings, and agendas, and has assisted with various election operations. Prior to his position in the City Clerks’ office, Adjemian served in three other City departments including Human Resources, Public Works, and Information Services. His education includes a B.A. in political science and certification as a municipal clerk.

The city clerk is the custodian of records for the City of Glendale. The city clerk’s primary responsibility is to accurately record the actions and proceedings of City Council and Housing Authority meetings, administer the City’s Records Management Program, maintain the Municipal Code, administer regulations relating to the Fair Political Practices Commission, and research and provide information to the public and City personnel. A current directory of City Boards & Commissions, their vacancies, and the regular meeting dates, are also maintained by the city clerk’s office.

The office is responsible for the coordination and preparation of City Council and Housing Authority agendas. The city clerk’s office provides ongoing administrative support to the City Council and City staff.