Update April 10 – ANF Interactive Web Map

ANF Interactive Web Map

The Angeles National Forest has developed a new interactive web map to help the public “see” the high-use forest areas that have been temporarily closed. Before visiting the Angeles National Forest, the public is highly encouraged to review the map at https://www.fs.usda.gov/angeles/.

 The recent closure of high-use areas in the Angeles National Forest include four formal trailheads, 23 informal trail access points, 19 roads and all developed recreation sites. Out of 760 miles of trails in the Angeles, only 81 miles of trails are affected by the closure. The new interactive map will help visitors find new, lower-use areas in the Angeles and assist with dispersion for everyone’s health and safety.

The closures of high-use areas in the Angeles National Forest aligns with current federal, state and local guidance for social distancing and to ensure health and safety of its visitors, volunteers and employees. The closure of high-use areas is in effect through April 30.

 To protect public health and safety all visitors to the forest are encouraged to:

  • Avoid visiting the forest if you are sick and/or experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.
  • Follow CDC guidance on personal hygiene and social distancing before and during your visit to the forest.
  • If an area is crowded, move to a less occupied location. Also consider avoiding the forest during high-use periods.
  • Take your trash with you when you leave. Trash overflowing the receptacles becomes potential sources for the spread of COVID-19.
  • Please make arrangements to use the restroom before or after your visit to the

forest. Unmanaged waste creates a health hazard for other visitors and employees.

 For tips from the CDC on preventing illnesses like the coronavirus, go to https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/about/prevention.html. Information from the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture is available at http://www.usda.gov/coronavirus. For up-to-date information on the Angeles National Forest, visit https://www.fs.usda.gov/angeles/.