Park Improvement to Help Ease Lack of Public Space


Glendale City Council voted Tuesday in favor of embarking on a project to give park-deprived South Glendale a boost for its scarce public space. Maple Park would enjoy improvement by way of additions that would give the nearly 90-year-old park a modern facelift. It would be a further enhancement of the park after its community center building was renovated in 2010.

“We often hear questions of what’s being done to support recreational opportunities in South Glendale,” said City Manager Scott Ochoa before presenting the project. “This is [a project] that is very near and dear to our hearts.”

The park, which comprises 3.6 acres, will see improved access to the community center from surrounding streets, the addition of public fitness equipment, an expanded children’s play area, updated signage and restroom facilities, and upgraded park lighting and security cameras. The improvements will also help make the park ADA compliant.

Though city council favors the project, a few concerns were raised.

“I’ve been to many parks and have used their equipment,” said Councilmember Laura Friedman. “But this looks to me like younger people’s equipment. Do you really think that people over the age of 50 could use these? I just want to make sure these can be used by people of all ages.”

The expanded children’s area will include grass mounds, boulders, and an arc of sand to encourage imaginative play. Surrounding the south side of the zone is a “snake hedge” – a hedge barrier that serves to prevent children from running into surrounding streets.

The resolution to move forward with the project will  set into motion further exploration of the improvements including the cost.