From the office of Betty Yee, California State Controller
Please note after Wednesday’s Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announcement, California is postponing tax deadlines until JULY 15, 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This update SUPERSEDES the California Franchise Tax Board’s (FTB’s) previous announcement that extended the due dates for filing and payment of taxes until June 15, 2020.
To align with the IRS special tax relief, I have authorized FTB to postpone until July 15, the deadline to file and pay taxes owed for all* individuals and business entities for:
2019 tax returns
2019 tax return payments
2020 first and second quarter estimate payments
2020 LLC taxes and fees
2020 non-wage withholding payments
(* The IRS special tax relief extends the deadline to July 15, 2020, for payments due of up to $10 million for corporations and up to $1 million for individuals — regardless of filing status — and other unincorporated entities. The FTB special tax relief does not include these limitations.)
The COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting life for people and businesses statewide. Hopefully, this small measure of relief will help allow people to focus on the health and safety of themselves and their family’s during these challenging times.
For more information about federal filing of returns and payment of taxes owed, visit
For more information about state filing of returns and payment of taxes owed, visit
For updates and information about the COVID-19 pandemic, visit
Thank you for your actions to help with curbing the spread of COVID-19. Together, we are #californiastrong.