An artist’s rendering of how stands and lights would be positioned on the athletic field on the school campus.
The first step in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) permit issuing process concerning the lights and stands project proposed for CV High School was held on March 5 at the school’s MacDonald Auditorium.
The stands would be placed on the north side of the track and field and would allow CVHS students to hold their home games at home rather than at Glendale High School where many of the school’s home games are held.
“When I first came to CV seven years ago I was approached by a group of parents who had elementary aged children,” said CVHS Principal Linda Junge. “They expressed their desire for permanent stands.”
CVHS is located on about 18 acres of land, much smaller than most of the high schools within GUSD. The location was originally a middle school but in 1961 it was designated as a high school. Not much changed in those early days except the sign that read Anderson Clark Middle School was switched to Crescenta Valley High School. Over the years CVHS has grown to accommodate the growing high school population. Over 10 years ago, the track and field was updated with artificial turf and a new track. The funds for the project were raised through a grassroots organization, CV CAN [Crescenta Valley Committed to Athletic Needs]. At that time there was talk about placing lights and stands on the field; however, the organization did not have enough funding to complete that aspect of the project.
Thursday’s meeting introduced the proposed plan and was an open meeting inviting public comments. Attendees were told that the stands would seat 3,443 individuals but Junge said she had doubts if that many would be actually attending. It would be more likely closer to 2,000, she estimated.
When the school hosted a basketball game in the main gym and a drama production in the auditorium on the same night, they had about 2,800 combined for those events. Junge pointed out that football games usually have fewer in attendance at Glendale High School where CVHS home games are currently played.
The majority of comments on March 5 were positive. They included parents and students who spoke of the importance of having a home game at their home field. Many spoke of the expense of traveling to home games with bus costs for the team, cheerleaders and band among those expenses. In addition, the high school band has to transport all of its instruments in a separate trailer and truck. That money, said many of the CV Instrumental Music students and parents, could be used to purchase uniforms.
But there was a group of residents who were against the new lighting and stands. Their concerns centered on parking challenges and increased trash in nearby neighborhoods. Those against the proposal stated parking problems during regular school days are overwhelming with many residents unable to find parking spaces in their own neighborhood, and some who are unable to leave their home due to student vehicles blocking their driveways. There is also the issue of trash, which many were concerned would increase if home games were played at home.
The school and local community members pledged to work together with the neighbors to correct the issues they shared.
The proposal has had the initial study prepared, which was released for review and comment by community members and neighbors. The review period began on Feb. 20 and will end March 20. Documents are available for review at the Glendale Unified School District office, 223 N. Jackson St., Glendale 91206, at CVHS, 2900 Community Ave. or at the district website www.gusd.net/CVHSField. Comments can be mailed to GUSD office at CVHS Field Project, GUSD, 223 N. Jackson St., Glendale, California 91206, or emailed to cvhsfield@gusd.net. Make certain to note CVHS Football Field Improvement Project.