Nicholas Cascelli, son of John and Deirdre Cascelli of Glendale, was recently awarded the rank of Eagle Scout. His rank advancement was celebrated at an Eagle Court of Honor on April 22 at Holy Redeemer in Montrose.
Cascelli is an 18-year-old senior at Saint Francis High School in La Cañada where he participates on the track team and the men’s choir. He is an active member of Boy Scout Troop 317 that is sponsored by Holy Redeemer Catholic Church.
For his Eagle Scout project, Cascelli led a group of Scouts and adults in building 16 Bible stands for the newly combined school of Saint James Elementary and Holy Redeemer Middle School. As a graduate of Holy Redeemer Catholic School, he felt it was important that the Bible had a place of prominence in every classroom. The stands were designed by Cascelli’s grandfather Richard Cascelli, and constructed with wood donated by Swaner Hardwood Company in Burbank.
Cascelli intends to continue to be active with Troop 317 by accepting a position on the newly formed Troop Eagle Committee.
Cascelli started his Scouting career as a Tiger Cub with Pack 317 in 2000. Throughout Cub Scouting, he has earned his Tiger, Bobcat, Wolf, Bear and Webelos badges, as well as Cub Scouting’s highest award, the Arrow of Light. Cascelli also earned both Catholic religious medals, Light of Christ and Parvuli Dei.
In May of 2005, he bridged into Boy Scout Troop 317 charting his path toward Eagle.
During his time with Scouting, he has enjoyed the outdoors on numerous outings, including white water rafting, summer camps, hikes and community service.
Cascelli has earned 31 merit badges as well as the Ad Altare Dei religious medal.

Marshall Tush, son of John and Lisa Tush of Pasadena, also was awarded the rank of Eagle Scout and celebrated his rank advancement with Nicholas Cascelli at the Eagle Court of Honor April 22 at Holy Redeemer in Montrose.For his Eagle project, he planned and coordinated the collection of canned food from residents in Sparr Heights and the Linda Vista neighborhood in Pasadena for the Friends in Deed pantry operated by the Ecumenical Council of Pasadena Area Congregations.
Tush, age 18, is a member of Troop 317, sponsored by Holy Redeemer Church in Montrose. He is a senior at St. Francis High School where he is on the track team. He intends to study business administration at Texas Christian University in Ft. Worth.
Tush started his Scouting career in first grade as a Tiger Cub with Pack 317 at Holy Redeemer.
In 2005 he bridged into Boy Scout Troop 317 and continued through the ranks. He held leadership positions as a patrol leader, chaplain’s aide and senior patrol leader. He enjoys working with the younger Scouts helping them to perfect many of the skills that he learned while at their age.
Photos by John Dlugolecki/Dlugolecki Photography