The holidays are traditionally a time for celebrating through music and this year is no exception.
The first chance to hear beautiful music performed by talented musicians will be at the MacDonald Auditorium at Crescenta Valley High School on Friday and on Sunday. There are two concerts, one that invites participants to sing-along and another that will entertain audiences with the talents of a local college ensemble.
CVHS Concert
The Instrumental Music Winter Concert will include the music department’s jazz band, wind ensemble, string orchestra, symphony orchestra and marching band. This will be the last time this school year the marching band will be performing.
Tickets are $8 for adults and $5 for children.
MacDonald Auditorium is located at 4400 Ramsdell Ave., La Crescenta.
St. Luke’s of the Mountains Sing-along
On Sunday afternoon everyone is invited to the Third Annual Holiday Sing-along and Community Christmas Jam at St. Luke’s of the Mountains/San Lucas at 2563 Foothill Blvd. beginning at 3 p.m.
The idea came from one of St. Luke’s parishioners who suggested a community sing-along to celebrate the season, said Bryan Jones, vicar of St. Luke’s.
All are invited, whether they attend St. Luke’s, another church or no church. Members of two local singing groups, CVHS Charismatics and The Dells, will join the St. Luke’s musicians.
“Music is a big part of life here at St. Luke’s,” Jones said.
A tradition that began with the sing-along is for participants to wear elf hats or even creative holiday sweaters. It is a time to have fun, celebrate the holiday season and join the community in song.
GCC Singers
The Glendale Community College Concert Singers will give their annual holiday performance on Sunday at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 1020 N. Brand Blvd., Glendale at 4 p.m.
Music professor Dr. Peter Green is director of the Concert Singers, an advanced choral group at the college. The program will include music by Ola Gjeilo, Philip Stopford, Kevin Memley, Ippolitov-Ivanov, Barnum, Mendelssohn and other holiday favorites.
General admission is $10; $7 for students and seniors. Additional information may be obtained by calling (818) 240-1000, ext. 5622 or visiting