VHAA HOSTING JOE CIBERE Verdugo Hills Art Association hosts guest artist Joe Cibere on Friday, Dec. 3 at 7 p.m. at the La Cañada Community Center, 4469 Chevy Chase Drive (note the new location). This event is open to all. Cibere will demonstrate his style of abstract realism with typical nature scenes: oceans, waves and […]
DESCANSO TO HOST GIFTS AND GREENS Descanso Gardens is hosting Gifts and Greens on Dec. 4-5 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Purchase beautiful botanical décor and greenery to decorate for the holidays, and handcrafted gift items made by Descanso’s talented volunteers. Two wreath-making classes, priced separately and for Descanso members only, will be at […]
Modest Fly to host Athena Mantle Modest Fly Art Studio Gallery will be exhibiting Athena Mantle’s new works titled Desert Jewels. The opening reception is on Nov. 19 from 7-10 p.m. and the show continues until Dec. 20. The artist, who lives in the Tujunga area, is known for her oil paintings of agave and […]
HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF HOST ‘DRIVING MISS LUCY’ The Historical Society of the Crescenta Valley will host Frank Gorey, Lucille Ball’s driver and personal assistant for over 30 years, at the next meeting of the Historical Society on Monday, Nov. 15. Gorey will talk about his experiences with the family, tell some funny personal stories about […]
Over the weekend of Oct. 15 – 17, 97 ladies from Montrose Church attended their annual women’s retreat at Forest Home in the San Bernardino mountains. In addition to a recharging their spiritual batteries, they brought along a copy of the CV Weekly to keep abreast of events at home. Contributed by Mary Ann Brunton […]
LEISURE CLUB HOSTING DEITLEIN The Glendale Center Theater, the longest, continually operating theater in the country is now celebrating its 64th anniversary. Tim Dietlein, owner/executive producer of the Glendale Center Theater (his grandparents established the theater) will be making a presentation about the history and operation of that theater at the November meeting of the […]
BOOK SIGNING AT FLINTRIDGE BOOKSTORE On Thursday, Oct. 28 at 7:30 p.m. Flintridge Bookstore and Coffeehouse is hosting a booksigning with writer Jeff Sherratt, author of “Detour to Murder,” a Jimmy O’Brien mystery novel. Soon after its release, Sherratt’s first novel, The Brimstone Murders (2008) became the bestselling book of all time For Echelon Press. […]
WOMEN’S COUNCIL HOSTING FUNDRAISER The Women’s Council of Verdugo Hills Hospital Foundation (VHHF) is hosting a fundraising event, Artistry and Wine Celebrating the Art of Healing, on Saturday, Oct. 23 from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the home of Sam and Kate Kaneko. Funds raised during this special evening will be given to Verdugo […]
A ARIES March 21 – April 19 A number of planets in your relationship zone may coincide with difficulties in business or romantic partnerships. But listening to the wisdom of your inner guidance when you’re in meditation or a quiet frame of mind will bring you the answers you need. Meanwhile, your sex life is […]
ORTHO GUILD LUNCHEON COMING UP The La Cañada Ortho Guild annual luncheon and fundraiser takes place on Tuesday, Oct. 19 at the Angeles National Golf Club in Sunland. The three guest authors are Hannah Dennison, Cherie Mercer Twohy and Erica Silverman. All the funds raised at this event are donated to Charitable Care of Children […]