Montrose on ABC7 Eyewitness News!!!
It was a banner weekend in the Montrose Shopping Park! Our Shop Small, Shop Local message is making headlines all over Southern California and across the land! On White Friday morning ABC7 called me to do an interview for Small Business Saturday. We set it up to shoot at Revelation Tops and It Takes A Village Kids. The beautiful Darsha Phillips (center) and cameraman Brian Dunn did a wonderful piece on the joys of shopping Montrose! We were told it should air at 4 o’clock that day. When the time came we found ourselves in front of Avignone’s big screen TV as a roaring fire was going in their fireplace. We excitedly waited and then shouts of applause erupted as Montrose took center stage on the news. It reminded me of a scene from “Cheers.” Our hearts were full of joy for the Christmas town we love. Our little friend Stirling, whose mom styles hair at Panache, surprised us with a Shop Small cake he baked for the occasion! Oh the blessings that can only be found in a small town. Thank you for shopping Montrose this Christmas! We have a true gem right in our own backyard!
Montrose on CBS National News!!!
If all that weren’t exciting enough, I got wind that CBS national news was also doing a piece on Village Boutique & Boardshop and Once Upon A Time Books that aired the same day! Both Jacqueline Cuesta, pictured here with CBS’ Carter Evans, and Maureen Palacios did a fabulous job! Missed these clips? You can see them both on our MSP Facebook page. You will also find pics from our amazing Montrose Town & Tree lighting with Christmas carols, Santa, Mayor Ara Najarian, and snow! It was epic and the biggest turnout we’ve had yet. Check out pics of Executive Jewelers cutting the ribbon at their grand re-opening party held last Saturday. Their jewels sparkle in their new brightly lit boutique! And find your favorite small store merchant in our new Shop Montrose For The Holidays banner photo. My little camera got a major workout this week! Thanks for reading! See you at the Montrose/Glendale Christmas Parade this Saturday!

Montrose Shopping Park
Love To SHOP & Dine Montrose!