Did you know the Montrose Shopping Park has over 24 hair salons? And no two of them are alike. Each one reflects the vision of the owner. That’s the joy of independently owned businesses. They are born out of a passion and gift that the owner brings. One such salon is Perfect Touch (2309 Honolulu Ave, 248-4527). Perfect Touch has been a part of the scene here for 26 years. Owner Ann Mavilia is full of energy and loves her clients. Every day she looks great and is a picture of what is in fashion. There is always a smile on her face.
Did you know the right hairstyle can take years off your age? Just like fashion, hairstyles change and most of us don’t want to look “dated.” Ann has taken what she does best and put a new twist on it. We call it “The high, low, flipped out bob.” The “bob” continues to be “in.” Ann does highlights on top and lowlights underneath, and then adds a flip. One of her clients, Georgia, comes from Valencia to Montrose to get this look.
So here’s a plan: Set aside a day just for you. Book an appointment at one of our many salons. Come early for a latte and afterwards, when you look great, do a little Christmas shopping and then treat yourself to lunch. You will feel like a new woman!
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Mary Dawson owns Revelation Tops and serves on the MSPA board of directors